What is a Sustainable Training Annual Calendar?

Endurance Training in general is a mix of a few concepts. You add a stress or external load to the body to elicit performance adaptations. When you do this over time, you can usually see a desired result helping you become more powerful, efficient, or both. The challenge of endurance training is to find a way to get the most benefit without running into setbacks. This is where it gets tricky. If you add too much stress, you need more recovery. The length of recovery needed can stop you from progressing and can actually contribute to regressing. If you don’t add enough load or stress, you aren’t going to stimulate the desired physiological responses. STAC just helps you understand and visualize that a life of cycling progression and enjoyment has to have a macro view along with micro phases. Each year as the days get warmer and longer, your time on the bike naturally increases, take advantage of this cycle to create a perpetual calendar that you look forward to each year.

What is the right amount of load/stress to add to get the most out of your capabilities?

This is why I have worked to create a sustainable training model. After a lot of trial and error, research into the research, and listening to other coaches, I found there was a lot of similar talk, but it only went so far. STAC combines Low Intensity Long Distance, Polarized, Pyramidal, and HIIT training into a self driven annual calendar. You will hear this from me often, but I cant stress it enough… STAC is not a “Training Plan”, it is a FRAMEWORK to TRAIN and PLAN! We are in a world with tons of information available at our fingertips, what I try and offer is help navigating that information so the goals you set become your reality.

This is a sample calendar designed to give you a rough outline of what a sustainable model of training can look like. This calendar combines all three STAC Blocks into a full year of training. For most coaching clients, this is a good starting place, then we sprinkle in some events, make some adjustments for vacations, choose one event that might need a bit more focus, and have fun throughout the year!
Like him or hate him, but this quote from Bill Gates definitely rings true in my experience: “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” How are you going to use your year to move you towards a transformational decade?

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